All our level 3 paediatric first aid courses meet, and exceed, the criteria set by Ofsted for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

If you’re not sure which course to choose or want to understand the regulatory requirements for your circumstances, then read on!

Hats off to you

Working in the childcare sector is demanding and rarely receives the recognition it deserves. It does however qualify for its own dedicated page.

Whether it’s a mental health or physical health issue causing concern, the diverse challenges, coupled with a huge sense of responsibility when dealing with children, requires a unique approach.

Navigating rules on first aid for childcarers is a source of stress and confusion for many. The rules are abundant, the laws is ‘simple’. But interpreting what that means for you can be complex and counterintuitive.

You are not alone in feeling uncertain about which course is right for you or your organisation, but this page aims to help you make an informed choice.

There is a lot of information so best put some slippers on and get comfortable. We’ve broken it down like Lego.

What this page covers

Whilst we strongly recommend you read and understand all the information provided on this page, we know that sometimes you want to get to the point. So click on the relevant topic in the list of contents below below if you have a specific area of interest.

Who are Ofsted and what do they do?

Ofstead stands for the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.

It is a government organisation that inspect the services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. They also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.

Ofsted register the service setting or provider (e.g. the nursery or nanny), on their ‘Childcare register.

For a setting such as a school, nursery, after-school or holiday club, childminder, and some private nannies to be on the Ofsted register, it/they must meet a strict set of criteria. They will be subject to regular checks carried out by an Ofsted inspector.

Ofsted do not register first aid training courses

Ofsted dictate the criteria for ‘appropriate’ first aid training but they do not register individual courses.

One of the criteria for a setting to be listed on the Ofsted childcare register is ‘paediatric first aid’.

If that criteria is not met then a setting will fail its Ofsted inspection.

Click the button below to download Ofsteds criteria. Get it straight from the horse’s mouth!

What is ‘appropriate' first aid training if you work for an Ofsted registered setting?

Paediatric first aid training must meet the Ofsted recommendations for a first aid certificate to be used as part of the childcare provider’s registration.

Rest assured the level 3, 12 hour Paediatric first aid (PFA) and Level 3, 6 hour Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) courses delivered by The Bridge First Aid instructors meet and exceed Ofsted’s recommended criteria.

If you asked any training provider whether their first aid course is Ofsted registered, then the answer should always be no. If a course is advertised as Ofsted registered, then please question the training provider. Ofsted publish the criteria for an appropriate first aid certificate, but they do not register first aid training. Ofsted compliant would be a more accurate course description. This may seem like semantics but the distinction is important to understand.

If you completed training with another provider we are happy to advise on the merits of your qualification ahead of your Ofsted inspection.

Is Ofsted Childcare Registration Voluntary or Compulsory?

This is where it gets confusing…. Ofsted registration on the childcare register can be either voluntary or compulsory depending on the specifics.

For Childminders

If you’re a childminder and you look after children from 5 to 8 years old you must join the Ofsted Childcare Register. This lets you look after children from 1 September after their fifth birthday up to their eighth birthday.

Childminders should have the same ratio of first aid qualified staff as nurseries to meet Ofsted requirements. Childminders will receive an Ofsted inspection.

If you’re a nanny

If you’re a private nanny then registration with Ofsted is voluntary. As a nanny you can choose to join the Childcare Register, regardless of the age of the children you are looking after.

If you join the register, you may be inspected by Ofsted, but you will not get a registration visit.

It’s worth noting that childcare vouchers, issued by the government to help parents with childcare costs, can only be used with nannies and settings on the Ofsted Register.

What about The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?

Without appropriate first aid training, staff are invisible, illegal and irresponsible

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a term defined in Section 39 of the British government’s Childcare Act 2006.[1].

The EYFS comprises a set of welfare requirements and a set of learning and development requirements. These must be followed by providers of care for children under five years old; the age of compulsory education in the United Kingdom.

Paediatric First Aid (PFA) certification is mandatory for those working with infants and children. As stated by the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.

“All newly qualified entrants to the early years workforce who have completed a level 2 and/or level 3 qualification on or after 30 June 2016, must also have either a full PFA or an Emergency PFA (EPFA) certificate within three months of starting work in order to be included in the required staff-to-child ratios at level 2 or level 3 in an early years setting”

Download the Statutory Framework for the EYFS mandatory requirements below. This must be followed by all providers of care for children under five years old.

Remember, Its the people in Parliament who make these rules.

It’s about accountability

Do I need the 12 hour PFA course or the 6 hour Emergency PFA course?

This depends on your setting and whether your registration on the childcare register is voluntary or compulsory.

The 12 hour PFA and 6 hour EPFA courses are specific to the care of young children in line with Ofsted and the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.

Under the Ofsted guidelines, a nursery is required to carry out a risk assessment and ensure that an adequate number of staff are first aid trained. The interpretation of “adequate” is where the confusion lies.

Millie’s law mandates that all early years childcare settings must have all staff trained in paediatric first aid. At a minimum this should include the 6 hour EPFA training. There must always be someone on site with the 12 hour training.

For this reason we recommend the 12 hour blended or 100% classroom training to all those working with infants and in early years settings.

For additional information, download the comparison guides below which cover everything you need to know about each course so you can make an informed choice.

For individuals not working in an Ofsted registered setting

Non-Ofsted first aid requirements

In this final section we take a look at requirements for individuals who do not work in an Ofsted registered setting and do not have sole responsibility for babies or children in the EYFS.

This is relevant if you are not working as part of the staff ratio in an Ofsted registered setting and you do not work alone or with sole responsibility for an infant or a child.

This might include staff or volunteers who work with extra curricula providers, sports camps, holiday clubs, breakfast cubs, after school clubs, outsourced PE coaches, private tutors, music teachers, yoga instructors, dance or drama teachers.

Not all childcare settings are Ofsted registered. Some external providers either work in schools during school hours where adequate first aid provision is in place,  or a parent or legal guardian are present at all times. In this instance a basic first aid course may suffice.

Proceed with caution! It’s a grey area

The Health and Safety at Work act states you must provide first aid that is adequate and appropriate what ever your individual circumstance.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, “employers must provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment, first aid facilities and first aid personnel” – but this does not necessarily translate into a first aid qualification.

If you have sole responsibility for an infant a child or an adult you have a duty of care to select training which adequately covers your need. Children in the same age group can fall under multiple classifications so below we clarify what the law defines as an infant, child and adult in this context.


Important legal definitions

Infants, children and adults as classified in first aid

Classifications in first aid are not in layman’s terms.

This classification can be misleading out of context. Notice the term baby is not mentioned.

  • An infant in first aid is 0 to 1 year
  • A child in first aid is aged 1 year to 18 – this was updated from 1 to puberty in 2021.
  • An adult in first aid is 18 +

Think of an infant and you may think of a child. This is wrong. The distinction is important to note.

Childcare Providers FAQ's

Does a blended training course meet the Ofsted and EYFS mandatory requirements?

The Bridge First Aid can only advocate for our own blended Paediatric First Aid courses which meet and exceeds the recommendations outlined by Ofsted and the EYFS. With the recent pandemic learners must still complete a practical element or training with a manikin, and must demonstrate mouth-to-mouth CPR.

Is anaphylaxis and auto-injector use training included in the course?

The Bridge first aid include anaphylaxsis and safe auto-injector use training on our paediatric first aid courses. If your previous first aid providers did not include this training we can come to your setting armed with Epipen JEXT Emerade auto injector trainer pens, manikins and AED for a thorough refresh.

Alternatively, we can provide live, interactive, online auto-injector training.

How much is the training and what discounts do you offer?

We offer discounts on all our courses for return clients, multiple bookings and, where possible, voluntary and charitable organisations. Our fair, but competitive, prices are listed under the course information. Click the book button below for more details on your course of interest.

Sadly we have had to increase our prices for the first time in several years due to limitations on space and risk management following the social distancing rules. We have also had to provide extra equipment, PPE and individual training packs. We do our best to keep costs low without compromising quality and safety.

Resources and freebies

Free head bump stickers for kid-lets. We know stickers get lost, shared or eaten! so you can have the accompanying report card too

Head bump report card, because not all parents know this stuff. This form is for supplementary purposes and does not replace the usual accident reporting procedure.

Savings and simplicity. On site training, group discounts, bespoke in house training, refresher training, schools combined training options and more.

Free Student First Aid Course

Free Student First Aid Course. No Catch. Just life saving skills.

Suitable for all, aimed at older primary school aged children and upwards. You can begin now and complete the course at your own pace when it is convenient for you.

If you are a school or community group, and have ample space why not book a practical session too, where our own instructor will provide a hands on assessment with plenty of manikins to complement this training. Some funding is available.

Paediatric First Aid Blended Learning Weekly Updates

Your free training video of the week. New lessons here every Monday