First aid at work calculator

What first-aid personnel do you need?

Use our simple interactive tool to decipher your organisations first aid personnel requirements or request a free Health & Safety guide.

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  • 2
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From your risk assessment, what degree of hazard is associated with your work activities?

Eg: Offices, shops, libraries


Eg: Light engineering and assembly work, food processing, warehousing, extensive work with dangerous machinery or sharp instruments, construction, chemical manufacture

How many employees do you have?

What first-aid personnel do you need?

At least 1 appointed person

At least 1 EFAW trained first-aider

At least 1 FAW trained first-aider for every 100 employed (or part thereof)

At least 1 appointed person

At least 1 EFAW or FAW trained first-aider, depending on the type of injuries that may occur

At least 1 FAW trained first-aider for every 50 employed (or part thereof)