Home schooling and Working From home
Published: 04/07/20 By: Jenny White
Things we learnt from running the bridge first aid that apply to home schooling, working from home
- Don’t let school get in the way of your education.
- Relationships trump mindless consumerism every time.
- Information is free, transformation is a journey.
- Information does not change behaviour.
- Those who tell the stories rule the world (that was Plato, not me!).
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- When you are a grown adult you can say he said, she said. When you’re a child or a writer you say things like holler or bellow, (no one talks like that).
- Keep your horizon close, inch by inch its a sinch.
- The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
- If you’ve ever been in love, you know how to cry.
- Mental hygiene is just as important as physical hygiene.
- Latent learning is real. Rest and sleep is key.
- Breathing is underrated. The only
Labels are for clothes not people
We are all about context. One size does not fit all.
- There is always stuff missing, so write a course on it. You learn when you teach. “see one, do one, teach one” this is our courses in a nutshel
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