Your voice is your most powerful tool
Published: 01/08/16 By: Jenny White
Accidents happen, but what can YOU do?
When a child, parent, friend or stranger, has a medical emergency, what immediate actions can you take, regardless of training?
When you come across an accident, your words and your voice are your best tool. The way you respond as an individual and community matters. Even if you have not done a first aid course yet, or you are scared, you can still significantly contribute towards a positive outcome. They say “Actions speak louder than words” but your words and your voice is key.
Check for dangers, use your voice to reassure, to establish severity, priority and consciousness. Introduce yourself, ask the victim’s name. Explain that you are getting help. Reassure them you are there. You can influence the physiological outcome with your own voice.
Use your voice to help them to help themselves, to remain still.
Use your voice to shout for assistance. Use your voice to call 999, request a helper to call, put the phone onto loud speaker, the responders trained voice will clearly guide you throughout. If telephone CPR is necessary their voice will deliver clear instructions.
You could be the only bystander with any first aid knowledge, use your voice to share advice, tips, observations, with others; you will be appreciated.
If you are involved and can’t help directly use your voice to share information.
Use your voice to gain consent to help. If the casualty is unconscious, consent is implied. The Good Samaritan Bill protects you from legal action should you give first aid, whether trained or not. *
Hearing is usually the last sense to go and first to return, so keep speaking, even if the casualty is unresponsive.
If an adult or child is not responding, or remains conscious but is deteriorating, you must deploy the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) immediately. Use your voice to share your community AED locations.
Switch the machine on. An AED is safe and designed for laypeople, it has its own clear speaking voice and will instruct you how to prepare.
If you are physically exhausted, quality chest compressions with rescue breaths (CPR) is very demanding, communicate handover instructions and inspire confidence in others with your voice.
Shout and flag down the Ambulance. The voice inside your own mind will keep your external voice calm.
*(Further information can be found under the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism act 2015.)
For local hands-on training on safe AED use, or any level of first aid please contact
Categories: Care, CPR/AED, Paediatric