
Online: Epilepsy Awareness and Administration of Buccal Midazolam Awareness (VTQ)

Online: Epilepsy Awareness and Administration of Buccal Midazolam Awareness (VTQ)

This course follows the guidelines of the Joint Epilepsy Council (JEC)


Understand more about Epilepsy and Seizures to help support people who suffer with epilepsy and potentially save a life. This course will benefit any workplace or home setting where caring for someone with Epilepsy and administration of Buccal Midazolam where you do not need a face to face course. See course topics below for full syllabus.

This course includes a comprehensive manual

Also available in-house as a face-to-face classroom course or a live online delivery at a time that suits you.


You must list name(s) & email(s) of all learners attending. To request a business invoice contact

About this course

This Epilepsy Awareness and Administration of Buccal Midazolam course certificate lasts 2 years as per recommendation by the Joint Epilepsy Council. The course covers different types of Epilepsy and Seizures and the medication using Buccal Midazolam. It also covers the side effects, effects, dose, record keeping and after treatment care.

This is an online course where you need to understand the subject but do not need a practical face to face course. The same subjects are covered as the classroom course and we can offer a short practical module for those wanting to take the course in a blended format.

Buccal Midazolam is an alternative treatment to rectal diazepam and works as a relaxant to assist in controlling certain types of seizures. We also offer Epilepsy Awareness and Administration of Rectal Diazepam course.

The Joint Epilepsy Council’s (JEC) guide on training standards for the administration of Buccal Midazolam state:

“Assessment of Learning There are recognised difficulties associated with assessing the knowledge and skills of participants who undergo training in the administration of buccal midazolam. Most training providers will be unable to assess participants as they carry out this procedure in their day-to-day work, as this is a procedure used in an emergency which cannot be predicted. An employer organisation should consider assessment important and good practice recommends the following options are fulfilled as far as possible. 

During the course, a training provider checks that learning is taking place, supervising the participant in a simulated procedure using a volunteer with water as the medication. It is recommended that certificates of attendance should be issued when the trainer is fully satisfied that learning has taken place. Following the course a training provider or work-based assessor assesses the participants using the following: Questioning, oral or written Case studies Following the course, it is recommended that an employer arranges for the participant to observe the procedure carried out by a trained and experienced member of staff, and is supervised on at least the first occasion the procedure is used.” 

This course follows the guidelines of the Joint Epilepsy Council (JEC) and the certificate is valid for two years.

Our Pro-trainings online platform is super simple to navigate. Watch the video lessons at your own pace, pause and resume when it suits you. Answer the incremental multiple-choice questions throughout the course and when you have completed all the lessons, you will be directed to the final assessment.

To make sure you really learn and retain the information, test questions are randomised and video remediation following the final assessment is customised to you.

  • Front-row seat in the class
  • No PowerPoint based slides
  • Detailed bite sized video-based training with demonstrations
  • Subtitles for “sound off” viewing
  • Optional concise text lesson summary with key learning points accompanying each clip
  • Comprehensive manual and posters, and current regulatory guidelines updates
  • Access videos for up to 8 months after purchase
  • Certified CPD evidence-based learning statement and certificate upon successful completion
  • Includes recent guidelines on infection prevention with the outbreak of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARSCoV2)


First Aiders
Medical professionals
Scout leaders
Children group workers

Course topics

Epilepsy Awareness and Administration of
Buccal Midazolam (VTQ)
Course Summary
• What is Epilepsy, what are the types and what is the first aid advice
• Use for Epilepsy and other conditions
• Indications for use and routes of delivery
• Benefits
• Practical demonstration
• Possible difficulties
• Consequence of too much medication
• Action if ineffective
• Risk assessments
• Individual care planning
• Storage and Disposal
• Duty of care
• Legal responsibilities
• Local Policies, Privacy and Dignity.

Learning Outcomes – PRO/72/EPABM
These learning outcomes are mapped to meet an Epilepsy Awareness and Administration of
Buccal Midazolam (VTQ) criterion. Each learning outcome presents a knowledge, skill or assessment to help students
understand the curriculum in finer detail.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
The learner will: LO
UNIT – Day One
Understand epilepsy and epilepsy management LO1
Understand who the Joint Epilepsy Council is what their guidelines and regulations include 1.1
Recognise what a seizer is and how it relates to Epilepsy 1.2
Understand neurological conditions affecting the brain 1.3
Identify the signs and symptoms and seizures and epilepsy 1.4
Be able to recognise seizures and deliver the correct first aid where necessary LO2
Know how to treat a casualty who is suffering from a seizure 2.1
Demonstrate how to place a casualty into the recovery position 2.2
Understand how to provide first aid treatment 2.3
Demonstrate CPR using a manikin 2.4
Understand the physiological and cultural effects of epilepsy LO3
Recognise different types of seizures 3.1
Know what a Convulsive Status Epilepticus is and the severity of this seizure 3.2
Know what a Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus is 3.3
Understand the theory and practice of administering Buccal Midazolam LO4
Understand what is Buccal Midazolam is? 4.1
Know what Buccolam is? 4.2
Be familiar with correct administration procedures to prevent further harm to the casualty 4.3
Identify a type of emergency medication known as ‘Benzodiazepines’ 4.4
Recognise other types of medication commonly used in the community 4.5
Know how to administer the medication by the route of delivery 4.6
Understanding and highlight issues to consider 4.7
Be familiar with other versions/brands of Buccal Midazolam 4.8
Know when to administer Buccal Midazolam 4.9
Understand workplace requirements and indication for use 4.10
Recognise and emergency situation and take the appropriate action LO5
Understand why emergency medication is useful 5.1
Identify different types of side effects 5.2
Demonstrate through simulated practice how to administer Buccal Midazolam 5.3
Recognise difficulties for administrating the prescribe drug 5.4
Understanding the consequences of too much medication 5.6
Learn how to conduct a risk assessment 5.7
Understand the importance of care plans and risk assessments to ensure a safe treatment and effective
Identify what should be included on an individual care plan 6.1
Understand how to treat a casualty in groups by outlining what you should do 6.2
Understand your local policy for safe storage of medicines 6.3
Recognise when medication should be disposed 6.4
Be aware of your Duty of Care and Legal Responsibilities 6.5
Discuss local policies that may affect your work or that you need to use 6.6
Understand the importance of privacy and dignity 6.7
Sources of information 6.8


Watch the video lessons at your own pace and answer the incremental multiple-choice questions throughout the course. When you have completed all the lessons, you will be directed to the final assessment. Students must score at least 80% to pass.


The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and comes with a Certified CPD Statement as well as a ProTrainings Certificate and for online courses an Evidence Based Learning statement.

Additional information

  • Follows UK & ERC guidelines
  • Endorsed by Skills for Care & TQUK
  • 3.0 hrs CPD Certificate
  • Evidence Based Training Certificate
  • Instant printable wall certificate
  • 100% online or add a skill session with a certified instructor
  • 24/7 on-demand video
  • Access on mobile
  • Weekly refresher video
  • Expiration reminder
  • Student manual


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